主頁 > 公司簡介 > 有關雋博, 顧問精英, 客戶名單, 客戶的話
客戶: 土木工程拓展署 香港特區政府

Mr Dicky Chou and Mr Lee of High Impact Management Consulting Limited have conducted a "Change Facilitators" training programme for staff members of Civil Engineering Department of the HKSAR Government in 2001. The programme lasted for 6-1/2 days spanning from February to August 2001.

During the period, Dicky and Lee have displayed their professionalism and enthusiasm in devising the programme contents and delivering the workshop. They have given the trainees invaluable advice in conducing "Continuous Improvement Projects" and shared with them a lot of relevant experience in driving change in organizations and conducting process reengineering work. With their assistance, the momentum of change and work improvement in the Department has been sustained, and the results of the CIPs have been very fruitful.

It's been a pleasure to work with Dicky and Lee, who are highly committed and involved in the training and project work. Besides, they are reliable and approachable partners to the Department. With their inputs, the CF training and the CIPs have been highly successful and productive.

Mr Stanley Wong
Chief Training and Development Officer
